Wildlife Photography to Make You Want to Go on Your Own Adventure
These photos are stunning, and they've inspired me to share my own–and the stories behind them-from my recent trip to South Africa.
Take a few minutes to appreciate these stunning photos–the People's Choice selections from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest.

I've been a bit obsessed with wildlife photography since my recent trip to South Africa. Sure, those People's Choice photos are good and all, but do they measure up to the likes of this?
I mean, I guess if you scrutinized it super closely, you might be like, "Feels like yours was shot on an iPhone and theirs seem like professional photos."
You'd be right.
But for those of us who aren't professional photographers, it's about so much more than the images captured. Sure, I wanted good photos of my trip, of the amazing things I saw, but the stories that go with them, the sensory details I remember that I'll never be able to share in an image, well, that's what it was all about for me.
That being said, I hope to write up some of the highlights from trip and share some of the photos (especially the ones that weren't taken with an iPhone). Let's call it a forthcoming project.
Until then, you can make do with the People's Choice selections from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest from last year. It's hard to argue with the declared winner, but the entire batch–from the starling formation to the lions tag-team cleaning their cub–represents incredible moments of time frozen for our enjoyment.