Prepare For Football's Offseason With Answers to These Pressing Historical Questions
Since the College Football Playoff crowned its national champion last month and last night wrapped up the NFL season in a lopsided Super Bowl, I won't be thinking much about football for a while.
As I transition into the part of the year in which I downgrade my football thoughts from "Some, every now and then" to "None at all," I really enjoyed this video from WIRED on questions about the sport answered by a historian.
You'll find no breakdown of next year predictions or draft prospects or fantasy league recommendations. It's just full of fun questions that we've mostly made our peace with not knowing.
One of my favorite questions answered was "Why is it called a 'touchdown'?" I didn't love it for any burning desire to know the answer, but rather because my very South African girlfriend will, from time to time when watching a game, remember that she finds the name infuriating because they do no such thing as "touch it down" like her beloved rugby boys do when they score a try. She grouses about this, and it's one of my favorite repeating bits in our relationship.