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Culture Diary Deep Dive

Culture Diary Deep Dive

By Cary Littlejohn

I recently posted my 2024 Culture Diary, that is, my effort to keep track of all the things I watched and read over the course of the year.

I rarely go back and look at the results, but I decided to take a look and here are some of the interesting bits I pulled out.

Books Consumed (Physical/Kindle/Audiobook): 29

Total Films Viewed: 121

Month With Most Films Viewed: March (excluding True/False Film Fest) (16 films)

Month With Fewest Films Viewed: August (4 films)

Trips to the Theater: 34 (excluding True/False Film Fest)

TV Series (Season Completed): 19

TV Series (Started but Not Finished): 12

Days of Olympics Viewing: 8

Live Concerts: 3
